Thursday, April 10, 2008

James White vs. Steve Gregg

Over the past few days I have enjoyed listening to a debate between James White and Steve Gregg on the Doctrines of Grace. While anyone who knows me or who reads this blog regularly knows which side of the issue I come down on I still think this is a worth while topic to discuss and I highly recommend taking the time to listen.

The debate took place over the last 5 days on Steve's radio show with each participant having the opportunity to both represent their respective positions, and to rebut the other. No matter which side you take here I you will definitely find something to make you think. You can find links to all 5 days at the Alpha and Omega Ministries website, and this link will take you right to the correct page:

James White, Steve Gregg Debate

Also, I do apologize for taking so long between posts lately. I have been writing a lot of other stuff and I will try to get back to posting at least a few times each week as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.